Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Final Reflection

What were some valuable things you learned this semester?

This course allowed me to reflect on what I do know when it comes to technology. I can finally be confident in myself when it came to technology. What I really like about this class was that we got to learn about a lot of the information and meaning behind the clicks and the pretty websites. It was way interesting to learn about html and how it transfers into pictures, words, videos, etc. I especially feel that learning how to embed things will be particularly useful in my life.

What are some technologies that you think you might use in an actual teaching setting?

After doing our video project (which I did on the french culture) I actually used that same culture video in my French 311 class presentation. The great thing about being able to create a video with teacher voice-over, and clips and photos from other sources, is that the students can be watching and hearing the correct way to speak french. It is cementing how the language is supposed to sound, in their brains.

What things do you feel you understand better now than you did at the beginning of the semester?

I personally feel more safe using the internet now. It was really great to learn about how to keep myself protected from viruses, and other types of intrusions. I now update my browser, and use a less widely used browser than before. (I switched to Google Chrome.) I feel like in general, I am more confident in myself and feel that I can figure out things that I need to accomplish via technology.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Internet Safety

Our discussion in class really opened my eyes to how open computers and networks are. I didn't realize it was so simple for people to listen in on others, and I never knew that passwords could be so easily identified. I am definitely going to take more precautions because as of now I don't do that much.

For my own Mac computer, I do not have an anti-virus. However, I do stay up to date with Mac patches but only sometimes install the newer versions of google chrome and firefox.(update my browsers.)

(c) Is there anything you can do to be more secure online? If so list them and write a sentence or two on each how how they can be a security threat.

To be more safe online, I can add blocks to my browsers and update firefox and google chrome as much as possible. I think updating browsers is something that isn't that hard to do, but I just never thought it was that big of a deal. I would only click the "install" button every once in a while but I never realized it could save me from an intrusion. Updating my browser is something that is simple and easy to do, but can make a huuuggee difference!

The reason constantly updating browsers is so important is because as the versions of the browser come out, so do the loop holes which virus writers can find. Once the loop holes are patched, a newer and updatable version of the browser comes out with a newer version that has patched up the hole that the virus writer created.